A horta da casa [The Home Garden] (1996)
Brígida Baltar (1959–2022)
Variable dimensions
Seasoning and herbs planted on 21 bricks
Inquiry from Nara Roesler Gallery
Acquired from the artist
"Brígida Baltar: Poéticas da Simplicidade" at the Paço Imperial in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Simples" at the Centro Cultural São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil
Baltar, Brígida. “A horta da casa.” Galeria Nara Roesler, 2023, https://nararoesler.art/en/artworks/a-horta-da-casa.
Candido, Hélio. “Brígida Baltar, 61.” Galeria Nara Roesler, 2022, https://nararoesler.art/en/news/183-brigida-baltar-61.
Brígida Baltar's A horta da casa [The Home Garden] (1996) is a mixed media installation that explores the relationship between nature and domestic space. The work consists of a series of planters made from various materials such as glass, clay, and metal, arranged in a linear formation along a wall. Each planter is filled with soil and sprouting plants, creating a miniature garden within the gallery space. The work invites the viewer to contemplate the intersection of the natural world and the built environment, and the potential for harmonious coexistence.
The theme of the collection is centered around the relationship between humans, nature, and the built environment. A horta da casa [The Home Garden] by Brígida Baltar directly addresses this theme, using the domestic space as a site for exploring the relationship between nature and human habitation. The work highlights the importance of incorporating natural elements into our living spaces and prompts us to consider how we can create a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the natural world. The value of this work lies not only in its aesthetic and conceptual merits but also in its ability to spark important conversations about the role of nature in our daily lives.
USD 215,00